About Us

SUPER SERVICES in acronym S.S Sarl, register under RCCM: 15-B-3905 ID. NAT: N01244A NIF: A1517029C, is a generalized service enterprise; based in Likasi, in the province of Upper Katanga, DR Congo. We hope that this initiative will allow businesses of all sizes to come to us, but also individuals. We propose and we work thus for construction of our country. Our journey and yours merge to lay the solid foundation of a story made to last.

The company Super Services has chosen the circle that represents the whole as a logo, because of the symbolism and the spiritual dimension of the circle

The nourishing circle: it embraces all the needs of the man in the company and allows him to feed himself and to survive

The circle of life, we live in society where there is union, love and more life.

The circle of Super Services is timeless and embodies solidarity and duration, wisdom and strength; it represents all the attributes of a trusted company, hence our slogan.